Financial Planning Done Right.
Comprehensive expertise in all facets of wealth maximization.
Hyche Financial is a boutique wealth planning firm focused on highly personalized financial solutions for families and business owners. Growing and protecting one's wealth requires a proactive planner to competently intersect the areas of estate, business, tax, investment, insurance, asset protection, and retirement planning.
While traditional advisors typically define their clientele by the product or service that they are able to most effectively place them with, we forge relationships with our clients by first getting to know who they are and what they wish to accomplish. It is only once we have a deep understanding of what our clients want that we can deliver a truly personalized advisory service. For the right client, we build long-lasting relationships that navigate virtually every aspect of financial planning.
We're very methodical and are proud of it. We believe that you should expect more from your advisors!
Areas of expertise:
Estate Planning
What will happen if I'm hospitalized? Who decides my fate? What will they choose for me? What would I want to happen? What happens if my spouse remarries? What would that mean for my kids? Do they need a trust? Who would get my wedding band and personal items? How can I prevent my family from fighting? Will they be allowed access to my accounts? Is my inheritance safe or will the government take half? Is my attorney's plan the best option?
Business Planning
How could I sell my business? Who would buy it? What is it worth? Do my kids really want to run my business? What if they change their mind ? What if my partner quits? What if we have to part ways? What if my partner dies or has an accident that leaves them disabled? Would I be left with all the work? Can I set up some kind of retirement plan for my employees? What if we get sued? How do I protect what I've built? Can I walk away from the business on my own terms?
Tax Planning
How can I save money on taxes? Am I paying too much? Are there strategies that I am missing that could shelter me from taxes? Should I invest in a ROTH IRA? Or is it better to pay taxes later? What happens if taxes go up or down? Am I going to owe taxes on my cryptocurrency? Is my CPA doing a good job? Could I do better on my own? Have I considered the entire tax code? Can I give to a charity instead of the government? Will I be paying less in taxes after retirement?
Financial Planning
Will I ever be able to retire? If so, when? How much will I need? What will I be spending? Will I run out of money? Will I have to go back to work? What happens if I become too sick to work or become disabled? Can I afford healthcare? Or living in a nursing home? What will I receive from social security? Am I saving enough? Why are CDs paying so little? Is there a better option? Should I have bought life insurance? Can I fix that mistake? What will happen if the market crashes?
“These mortgage rates are nothing. When I bought a house back in 1981 we paid over 16% interest.” Stop me if you’ve heard that one. It either happened to you or someone you know that was buying a home back then. During the pandemic, mortgage interest rates plunged below 3% to record lows. We also know that banks and savings rates paid virtually nothing during this time. My, how times have changed. Rather than discuss the impact that higher rates will have on the housing market, and how it is foolish to assume that house prices will always go up (another blog topic for another day), I want to discuss the positive impact that higher interest rates can have on your money. . .

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. . .
the next best time is today.”
— Chinese Proverb